Welcome From
Dr. Teresa Conlon
(DD h.c.)
Teresa Conlon has been serving as president of Summit International School of Ministry since the fall of 2010. She also serves as an associate pastor at Times Square Church in New York City.
Teresa spent many years ministering alongside her husband, Pastor Carter Conlon, senior Pastor of Times Square Church, before feeling called of the Lord to take the position of President at Summit.
She was mentored by the late Rev. David Wilkerson, author of the Cross and the Switchblade, and founder of both Summit and Times Square Church.
Teresa has had the privilege of speaking internationally for over a decade at leadership conferences and women’s events. She has a passion for the Word of God and is known for speaking directly to the heart through her messages. Teresa feels her call to Summit is a position for which she has had a lifetime of training.
Teresa has an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Lancaster Bible College as well as a BA in Law and History from Carleton University. She has three married children and eight grandchildren.